Thursday, November 18, 2010

Gracie and Coconut

They're finally home!  Our two newest additions to our family are home from the vet.  It's been a busy week for them....and for us.  Our journey started on Saturday night when we were shopping at Petsmart for algae wafers for our pleco.  We were making our usual rounds.  Fish, birds, turtles, hamsters and cats.  Whiles looking at the cats, we noticed one cat imparticular, Pottsie.  It was love at first sight.  We went back later that day to meet him and two other cats.  We decided to fill out an application for adoption for Twice the Love.  Twice the Love is a program offered by the Humane Society that lets you adopt two cats for the price of one.  On Monday, we got the call that we were approved for adoption.  But, Pottsie didn't qualify because our landlord requires all cats to be declawed and spayed/neutered.  Pottsie was over 1 year old and he was too old for declawing.  We were heartbroken.  But, we decided to go down to the Humane Society and look at the other cats that would qualify.  There we met Gracie and Coconut.  We fell in love once again.  We knew they belonged in our home.  We told them right away that we wanted to adopt them.  So, we found a vet that could get them both in right away for their operations and we dropped them off on Tuesday night.  This afternoon we picked them up and brought them home.  They are doing great!  Gracie is full of energy and just wants to play.  Coconut is more laid back and wants to snuggle and love.  We think they will make a great addition to our family.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Christmas Trees and Pottsie

This weekend has put me in the holiday spirit and I'm a little embarrassed to say that I already want to put up our Christmas tree and decorations.  We took Miles to the Festival of Trees in downtown LaCrosse.  There were so many beautiful trees and it gave me numerous ideas that I want to try.  Miles especially liked the tree that had a train on a track going around it.  He probably would have stayed there all day.  After we left the Festival of Trees we stopped at Petsmart to get fish food and fell in love with a cat named Pottsie, who is up for adoption through the local humane society.  We met him and two other cats there.  We hope to bring Pottsie and a friend home on Monday.  We'll keep you updated.  Today we hope to take Miles to see his first movie in a theater, Toy Story 3.  Should be fun!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Crazy Week

Wow!  Has this been a crazy week!  I've been reading so much stuff about photography and cameras.  I can't wait to learn everything.  I've found some pretty helpful websites that explain a lot and I think I'm going to find them useful.  We're going to Minneapolis this weekend.  Can't wait!  I'm hoping to get in some photo shoots of my nephews while I'm there.  I'd like to go to the sculpture garden downtown.  I've wanted to go there for a long time now.  Hopefully, I'll have lots of pictures to post on Monday!  By the way, I found this really cool pic the other day while doing some research on pregnancy shoots. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A New Chapter

This week I made a major decision about my life.  I finally decided to follow my dream and become a professional photographer.  I am so excited and I'm sure I'm boring my husband to death with all the "photography talk".  I love capturing the love between a parent and a child or the little every day things that children do.  Those are the things that I want to remember when my son grows up to be a man.  I can't wait to learn all I can about photography and I hope all of you enjoy following my journey.